
Guitar Chords | Major + Minor

Learning guitar? Or feeling a little rusty with your chords? In this guitar chord chart, we've included the most frequently used major and minor chords, along with the proper fingering. You can save or print the chart for free to use later on.

It's often said that if you learn four chords, you learn a thousand songs. This even applies to individual chord progressions! The Four Chord Song is a term for the most popular chord progression in Western music, I - V - vi - IV (1, 5, 6, 4). A single variation of the Four Chord Song, C - G - Am - F, represents thousands of songs alone. With this progression, you can play songs from Baby by Justin Beiber to D'yer Ma'ker by Led Zeppelin and everywhere in between. So what are you waiting for? All you need is a few chords at your disposal, and you'll be playing and recording songs in no time!

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